Percentage of college graduates aged 35 and under who expect to be paying off student loans into their 40s according to the Millennial Graduates in Debt survey released by Citizens Bank
Percentage of HR managers who say their company commonly acts on feedback from exit interviews, according to a recent OfficeTeam survey
Number of additional housing efforts that will be made available by the state as part of an effort to stem homelessness
$200 Million
Amount New Jersey employers will get in the form of an unemployment tax break beginning in July
Percentage of senior business leaders who indicated that state and local tax incentives would influence their choice of location either very much or at least somewhat, according to results of a white paper released by Friedman LLP
Amount of funding raised through crowdfunding in the United States in 2015
Published (and copyrighted) in South Jersey Biz, Volume 6, Issue 4 (April, 2016).
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