Executive Q&A
How can an employee make a good impression?
Once an employee has earned a spot in a management or leadership position, making a good impression is of utmost importance, along with being highly effective in their role. We talked to three executives who offer their take on how to lead by example.
Brett Wiltsey
Managing partner, Dilworth Paxson LLP
“Be prepared. Before you engage the rest of leadership, understand the firm strategic vision and if you wish to influence the direction of that vision be prepared to express why your vision is in the best interests of the enterprise, not just for the benefit of a select few. Once a consensus is reached on vision, work with leadership to build a broad coalition with the rest of the stakeholders to make the vision a reality.”
Bill Emerson
President, Emerson Group
“Employees can make a good impression in many ways. First and foremost they should always take initiative and not wait to be asked to do things. Be proactive and bring ideas to the table before being prompted. Also, be coachable and constantly seek to get better and learn every day. Ask good questions and be receptive to others’ advice. Finally, communicate verbally as much as possible. Strong verbal communication skills will always set one employee apart from another.”
Justin Van Fleet
Partner, Friedman LLP
“Listening skills and showing respect to the people already at the table is probably the most important step to making a good impression. Once you appreciate all the hard work and time they have put in, it only makes sense to continue to learn from them. Moreover, don’t allow yourself to fall into ‘imposter syndrome.’ There is reason you have reached the management level of your career, as others believed in you and value your point of view. Presenting well-thought-out ideas and a fresh perspective will help make the most out of the opportunity. Finally, don’t forget the employees trying to earn the next seat at the table. Represent them well and pay it forward—the ability to mentor is a powerfully fulfilling skill to hone.”
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Published (and copyrighted) in South Jersey Biz, Volume 9, Issue 9 (September 2019).
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Published (and copyrighted) in South Jersey Biz, Volume 9, Issue 9 (September 2019).
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