Supplies in Demand
A trio of gadgets that you may want to add to your wishlist.
This all-in-one tool is perfect for anyone who multitasks on a regular basis, yet the sleek design keeps this gadget from taking up a lot of space. A pen, phone charger, stylus, storage space and more—the functions of this multi-use pen seem endless. (ShopBKey.com, $49)
Lumo Lift
It’s easy to let good posture fall to the backburner when sitting at a desk at the office, but the Lumo Lift helps prevent that from happening. With a sensor that attaches to the back of any shirt, the gadget syncs to your phone to alert you with a reminder to sit up straight if it senses your posture start to slip. (Amazon.com, $198.97)
FiBiSonic LED Clock
Get all the need-to-know information at one glance with the FiBiSonic LED Clock. Featuring the time, date, humidity and temperature, this digital clock stands on any desk or surface and stays up-to-date with changing humidity and temperature. This device also features voice control functions, three brightness settings and two face settings. (AliExpress.com, $21.50)