SJBiz_BestOfHealthcare_0319FINAL_Layout 1 3 / 19 / 19 4 : 36 PM Page 3 19 E M E R G I N G L E A D E R 0 Kate Gillespie , RN , MBA , NE - BC President , New Jersey State Nurses 2Association Vice president , Virtua Joint Replacement Institute Gillespie was welcomed as the 47th president of the New Jersey State Nurses Association this year . In ethis role , she will address nursing and patient care issues r and work on key legislative matters , including combat - ing the opioid crisis . As assistant vice president of or - a thopedic / spine service line at the Virtua Joint Replace - ment Institute in Marlton , she has a significant impact on the operations , strategic growth and physician Calign - ment strategies . She has been with Virtua for 35 years , starting as a critical care nurse before moving into nurs - ing management . She earned a BSN from The hCollege of New Jersey and an MBA in health administration t from Eastern University . l L I F E T I M E A C H I E V E M E N T a Adrienne Kirby , Ph.D , FACHE Executive chairman , CEO , Cooper University Health eCare Kirby is executive chairman and CEO of Cooper University Health Care , which employs more than H 7,000 individuals and is New Jersey’s fifth - largest health system by revenue . She works directly with f the board of trustees to provide overall strategic leadership for the health system , which includes a leading academic tertiary care hospital , a children’s o hospital , the MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper , a physicians group of more than 650 doc - t tors , three urgent care facilities and more than 100 outpatient facilities across South Jersey . Under Kir - s by’s guidance , Cooper’s revenue has grown from $ 823 million in 2012 when she joined , to more than $ 1.3 billion in 2018 . She will retire June Be1 . M E D I C A L R E S E A R C H Calvin H . Knowlton , BScPharm , MDiv , Ph.D CEO , Founder , Tabula Rasa HealthCare Knowlton is CEO and founder of Tabula Rasa HealthCare , including CareKinesis , the first national PACE Medication Risk Mitigation Company . He has been recognized nationally for his leadership in pharmacy and business in his 30 - year career . Knowl - ton was elected and served as the national presi - dent for the American College of Apothecaries , president of the American Pharmacists Association and president of the American Pharmacists Associa - tion Foundation . He has authored and co - authored text books , book chapters and articles focused on the role and responsibility of pharmacists in the out - comes of patient - centered medication care . 28 | SOUTH JERSEY BIZ | VOLUME 9 ISSUE 3 |